Florida Governor Ron DeSantis Takes Bold Actions in Support of Israel Amid Ongoing Conflict

Ron DeSantis

In a show of unwavering support for Israel during its conflict with Hamas, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis announced a series of new policies, further solidifying the state’s alliance with the embattled nation. Ron DeSantis made these significant announcements during a news conference at the Shul of Bal Harbour synagogue in Florida, emphasizing the importance of standing by Israel during these challenging times.

The governor connected Iran to the recent violence perpetrated by Hamas and called upon President Biden’s administration to take more decisive action against the funding sources that fuel terrorist activities in the Middle East and around the world.

Ron DeSantis highlighted the concern that when Iran receives more financial resources, it redirects them toward supporting terrorism rather than improving the lives of its citizens. He stated, “What they use it for is to fund terrorism throughout the Middle East and the world. They send the money to Hezbollah, they send the money to Hamas, and that’s exactly what we’ve seen. And yes, Iran was involved in orchestrating this attack against Israel.”

DeSantis emphasized the need for strong, substantive measures and proposed sanctions against Iran, aiming to impact the source of funding that sustains these acts of terror. He stated, “We know that we have an opportunity to do something forceful that will make a difference in terms of the substance. But I think symbolically, but also important, and that is today our proposal that as we stand with Israel, we sanction Iran.”

The governor added, “And so we are going to roll out for the next legislative session a proposal to increase Florida sanctions on Iran and to block Iranian businesses in our state. We should use all available avenues to choke off money going to the Iranian regime.”

DeSantis’ new policies include the expansion of existing bans on Iranian-owned businesses from operating within Florida. This move aligns with the state’s commitment to curbing the financial support flowing to Iran, known for its history of financing terrorism in Israel through both Hamas in Gaza and Hezbollah to the north of Israel.

The conflict between Israel and Hamas has escalated significantly, with the Israeli military conducting more than 1,000 airstrikes against Hamas targets in Gaza following a devastating assault. The surprise attack by Hamas resulted in the tragic loss of at least 900 lives and left over 2,000 individuals wounded.

In response to these alarming developments, Israel has deployed tens of thousands of troops to its border with Gaza. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has suggested that a ground invasion may be imminent. He emphasized the urgency of the situation during a call with President Biden, stating, “We have to go in.”

As the situation in the Middle East remains tense and volatile, Governor DeSantis’ commitment to strengthening Florida’s ties with Israel underscores the importance of international cooperation during times of crisis. These proposed policies not only demonstrate solidarity but also serve as a testament to the state’s determination to combat funding sources that perpetuate acts of terrorism.

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